starry, starry night

Often times I take things for granted. I see what others have and I want it, but not today. 

Today I am so happy. The garden I planted last week is starting to have little sprouts! Peas, spinach, arugula, cucumbers, and zucchini! My bushes we planted last month are starting to get flower buds! Even the magnolia tree we planted a couple months back (Nick and I’s first tree purchase) has a little bud forming! It’s so exciting to see all the beauty that we have worked towards in our house. In this moment, I realized I hadn’t taken much time recently to enjoy all the wonderful things around me.

As I was in my yard waiting for the dogs to use the bathroom, I found myself looking at the vibrant stars glittering across the sky. Often we overlook the stars in our bustling lives. Not realizing not everyone has this simple opportunity.

Last week I went to the prison with my little brother to see my dad. His first time seeing him so Ill. He has terminal cancer and has just been put on hospice. It’s been about 3 years since he has seen him. When we walked through the prison on a Wednesday mid day I just thought of how quite it is. With so many prisoners, why so quite? Because they are all inside. How sad. In such a dreary place, how can one have hope? I thought of dad sitting in his room in his bed without any stars. Without the sounds of chickens he lobed so much. Just a small window in the bathroom, too far away from the bed he cannot leave to even look out of. He always said to treasure the simple things.. we didn’t go on big trips or have fancy things.. everyone only had each other . And in the end that’s important.. the times looking out at the stars because like all things even that can be taken away.

Otherwise, my plan was to watch TV tonight as I always do before bed. Dad has a TV in his room.. he doesn’t even have the volume on most times.. and that’s all he has for entertainment… yet, we have so many opportunities to do something in our lives and we sit glued to our TV most hours of the day. We watch shows and movies that we don’t remember instead of spending time with those that can be taken away.

So, today, I will do what makes me happy and what makes those around me happy. Because in the end, I don’t want to regret how I spent my time. I don’t want to regret who I didn’t spend it with. I want to leave something beautiful for the future. May it be a painting, a flower, or a memory.

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